Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School

Immaculate Conception Catholic School Wins SCDSB Fitness Challenge

Immaculate Conception School has won the Sudbury Catholic District School Board Fitness Challenge. The goal of the program is to lower the resting and exercise heart rates of the Board’s students over the course of the school year. Staff and students in the Junior Division participated in this program under the supervision of Mrs. Karole Lariviere (Fitness Challenge School Co-Ordinator)

The heart rates were measured three times during the 2004 – 2005 school year. Students from Immaculate Conception School received a plaque from Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s Chairperson, Mrs. Paula Peroni during a recent board meeting. Thank you to Mr. John Tarini, Principal of Corpus Christi School, for co-ordinating this Board wide Fitness Challenge.

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