Celebrating or Remembering? Sympathy or Empathy? Fighting back?
What motivates us to get involved in events such as the Cancer Society Relay for Life? Come out and see for yourself! You’ll be in for quite a few surprises such as the great reveal of our total pledge amount, brave survivors sharing their experiences, special reflection time during the luminaries ceremonies, testamonials, the excitement of teacher’s receiving a pie in the face, etc. Join us for this unforgettable event. You’re sure to leave with special memories!
Friday, May 6th 2016
St. Paul school in Coniston
For more information, contact Denise Valiquette at 705-694-4482
St. Anne school in Hanmer
For more information, contact Liliana Novosel at 705-969-2101
Immaculate Conception school in Val Caron
For more information, contact Irene Raymond or Rosanna Leduc at 705-897-4483