Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School

Indigenous Celebration Held

The Diocesan Centre is planning an inclusive day of celebration based on indigenous culture, and would love a big turn out at this event. All students, staff, families and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend! It looks to be a great day planned!

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Fielding Park

5:30 am. Sunrise Ceremony ~

8:00 am. Pancake Breakfast ~

9:00 am. Teaching Carousel – Stations will be set up to be rotated through – 6 stations with 20 minute presentations at each~

a) Children drumming station~

b) Craft – decade of the rosary with four/six colour beads + leather OR~leather bookmark

c) 7 Grandfather teachings

d) Legends – Elders telling the stories~

e) Medicines and Wheel

f) Sacred Elements (fire keeper, tobacco, stones, feather, pipe, drums, smudge, animals) ~

11:00 am. Healing Circle – prayers, scripture (trilingual), blessing~

1:30 pm. Feast – “pot luck”

3:00 pm Travelling Song/Blessing~

For more information and access to resources, please consult:

Update on Negotiations

You may have heard in the media that the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association ((OECTA), representing elementary, secondary and occasional teachers in our Board voted to approve strike action.

Central bargaining is continuing between the province, unions and the Ontario Catholic School Trustees Association (OCSTA), which represents Catholic school boards at the provincial table. At present, we are not aware of any planned labour disruptions by OECTA.

Our Board continues to support efforts to reach a negotiated central settlement as the best way to avoid strikes and other labour disruptions.

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board values all of our teachers as dedicated, caring professionals committed to student success.

We will continue to keep parents, and students informed and to ensure accurate information is fully communicated to the Sudbury Catholic community should there be any developments affecting our schools.

OAPCE Monthly Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE). To read this month’s newsletter, click here: Parent Partner Newsletter – Easter 2015

Digging in the Dirt at Immaculate Conception

On September 11, despite the day’s cold temperature, the rain held off for the students and staff from Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary, and they were able to get their new plants, trees and shrubs in the ground thanks to VETAC, Greater Sudbury’s Regreening Advisory Panel. As winners of this year’s “Ugliest School Yard Contest, the school received a cash donation form Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations as well as supplies from several local businesses, and expert advice to help transform their schoolyard into a greener space for the students. Several members of the Sudbury Horticultural society were on hand, as well as parent and grandparent volunteers, and community partners. All students came out to take part in the planting of the smaller plants and shrubs and were shown the proper methods of planting. Grade 3/4 teacher Tammy Rychlo was thrilled with the event as she had been working with her class for the last year creating the “Immaculate Conception Green Squad”. By applying for and receiving a speak up grant – Rychlo was able to create with her class and some volunteers raised garden beds and planted vegetables from seeds cultivated at first in their classroom. The students even took turns meeting once a week during the summer for “Watering Wednesdays” so that they could ensure that the veggies were growing well. The payoff was that many were able to bring home fresh healthy vegetables during the summer months.
With the school winning this contest – her students were able to tie in all that they had learned about being stewards of the earth and the positive impact of creating greener spaces all around.
School principal, Louisa Bianchin was thrilled with the event. “ We are very thankful to all the organizations involved in helping us beautify our schoolyard,” Bianchin stated. “Our students are so excited to see the transformation, and to be able to be a part of it is a wonderful learning opportunity for them!”

FULL DAY Kindergarten Information/Registration Night -TODAY – Tuesday, February 5, 2013

There will be an information/registration night TODAY – Tuesday, February 5, 2013 for all parents interested in registering their child(ren) at one of the Sudbury Catholic elementary schools for FULL DAY Kindergarten beginning September, 2013.
The information/registration night will start at 6:00 p.m. For more information about this event, please contact your local Catholic elementary school. For contact information about each school, go to, or contact the board office at (705)673-5620.

Immaculate Student Bikes for Lung Research

Last September, Tanner Levesque decided to organize, with the help of his parents, a fundraising event in memory of his grandfather, Howard Fairburn of Webbwood, who died of lung cancer in May. Young Tanner, escorted by a police cruiser, family and friends, decided to ride his bike from his home in Val Therese to the Revenue Canada Taxation Centre in New Sudbury. He raised $1600.00.

This year, Tanner set out on his 2nd Bike Ride for Lung Cancer Research, repeating the 16 kilometre course, with his sister, Emmaleigh Levesque and friend, Kayley Larochelle. Tanner raised a total of $2285.00. Tanner’s mother, Leeann Levesque, was able to obtain a sponsorship from her employer, Suzanne Goudreau, owner of the local A & W Restaurant who matched Tanner’s earnings, doubling his fundraising total to $4570.00. Tanner and his family are thankful for the kind and generous donation given by A & W Restaurant.

On Friday, October 12, 2012 Tanner, Emmaleigh and Kayley received a Certificate of Appreciation from Patricia Clizia of the Canadian Cancer Society at Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School. In total, Tanner has raised $6170.00 for Lung Cancer Research.

“We are so proud of Tanner for using his gifts and reaching out to help others in his community.” Louisa Bianchin, principal of the school stated. “Tanner is making a difference; we hope that Tanner will ride his bike again next year for lung cancer research, and one day, a cure for cancer will be found.”

Hair Cut for Cancer Event at Immaculate Conception

On Monday, September 24th, 2012 Louisa Bianchin, principal of Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School kicked off the Student of the Month assembly with something special. Grade four student, Dennica Hallett, had her hair cut in front of the whole school in order to donate it to make wigs for people who have lost their hair as a result of cancer treatments. Brenda Morrow, Dennica’s aunt was the hair stylist on hand who prepared and cut her hair for donation.

“It takes approximately 12 donations of unprocessed hair and costs about $1,200.00 to craft a single hand-sewn wig for a child” ( for Cancer Fundraiser).

Bianchin expressed her gratitude to Dennica in front of the school community. “We are so proud of Dennica’s kindness and compassion for others; the staff and students at Immaculate Conception School would like to support Dennica and have raised additional revenue for the Canadian Cancer Society. As of today, we have raised $700 to donate to the Canadian Cancer Society”

Patricia Clizia from Canadian Cancer Society was on hand to accept the donation from the school. Clizia echoed Bianchin’s comments, and thanked both Dennica as well as the other students for their generosity. “We are so pleased that our young students at Immaculate Conception School are reaching out to others and “Joining together in the fight againstt cancer”.

Immaculate Students Continue to Inspire Change

Several months ago, a group of three students in teacher Chantal Rancourt’s grade 5/6 class were inspired to make a difference in the world. All on their own, these grade 6 Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary students decided that they wanted to start fundraising for the Ryan’s Well Foundation, which helps buy and build wells in countries where there is little access to clean water. In December they launched their own school fundraiser with the goal of raising $2000 to contribute to this foundation. After their first initial event, the girls – Abigail Morgan, Sydney Hall and Alexa Connors, had raised over $210 from the one day. Since then, they have had an additional $300 raised through more donations. On April 18th, 2012, the students organized a “fun day” fundraiser to secure more funds for their cause. “They have basically made all of the arrangements and plans all on their own,” teacher Chantal Rancourt stated. “These girls are amazing – they have done all the set up, organized all the events, and planned all the teams and team captains. I am so proud of their enthusiasm with this initiative!” Immaculate students were asked to bring in a toonie to take part in the fun day which included an obstacle course and a variety of sports and speed games. At the end of the day, their total had climbed to over $1650 – very close to their goal of $2000. The girls have one more event planned – a zumba fundraiser. When asked to comment about their inspirational efforts, the girls replied in unison “Inspiration is the key to the future!” The girls explained that this was their motto and they had decided to be inspiring and to spark inspiration in others. Their efforts haven’t gone unnoticed as a person from their community, after reading the initial story on their fundraiser, was so inspired by their determination, offered to help them reach their goal and would top up the remaining funds after their events were completed. Abigail, Syndey and Alexa were thrilled that they had inspired a stranger to get involved. All three have decided that this is just the beginning, and will continue to make positive changes in the future.

Students at Immaculate Conception Reflect on Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday, the students, staff and parents at Immaculate Conception reflected on the night before the Passover, where Jesus took a towel, basin and water to wash the feet of all his disciples. As he washed his disciples’ feet, he said to them: “You, then, should wash one another’s feet. I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you”.
Fr. Michael and staff at Immaculate Conception followed in the foot steps of Jesus and washed the hands of all students. The basin, water, towels and the handwashing were visible signs of service to our students, our community and our God. Students understood what Jesus did for the disciples many years ago, and they too will carry on the work of Jesus, our Lord, and live a life of service.

Franco-Fun Day at Immaculate Conception

On Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 Immaculate Conception School held its second Franco-Fun Day celebrating French language and culture. In the morning, students, dressed in green and white clothes, laughed and cheered as they closely watched the Amazing Rene perform his magic tricks. Students enjoyed all the magic tricks and even learned some magic words in French. Mme. Boudreau, with the help of all the teachers at Immaculate Conception School, organized fun French language activities which all students had an opportunity to learn and play. At lunch time, students enjoyed French Canadian Tortiere, Tarte au sucre and a bread roll. The students and staff thank all the ladies from the Catholic Women’s League at St. Kevin’s Parish and the parents and grandparents who came out to prepare and serve the excellent French foods to the students. It was a great day, and students proudly wore their French Canadian flag tattoos on their face all week.

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