Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School

Sudbury Catholic Schools Help Make Winters a Little Warmer!

Members of student senate stand with their coats.

The Student Senate at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board has helped make winter a little warmer for our community! Throughout the month of October, the Student Senate spearheaded a campaign to collect gently used winter coats in all sizes. The Senate, which is comprised of 15 secondary students, also encouraged other schools to participate in this initiative.

Together, Sudbury Catholic Schools collected 436 coats and winter accessories, surpassing last year’s number of 200 coats and winter accessories. Working with Derek Cashmore of Cooper Equipment Rentals, the coats will be donated to those in need throughout the Greater Sudbury community.

“The Student Senate are seen as leaders and innovators not only in their schools but across the Sudbury Catholic District School Board,” said Amanda Barry, Teacher Facilitator of the Student Senate. “They are truly difference makers and I am honoured to work alongside them year after year.”

“It was amazing to see our schools all come together and support such a wonderful cause,” said Ryan Scarpellini, Student Trustee and member of the Student Senate. “We are excited to continue to grow the campaign year after year and continue to make a difference in our community.”

FULL DAY Kindergarten Information/Registration Night -TODAY – Tuesday, February 5, 2013

There will be an information/registration night TODAY – Tuesday, February 5, 2013 for all parents interested in registering their child(ren) at one of the Sudbury Catholic elementary schools for FULL DAY Kindergarten beginning September, 2013.
The information/registration night will start at 6:00 p.m. For more information about this event, please contact your local Catholic elementary school. For contact information about each school, go to, or contact the board office at (705)673-5620.

Immaculate Students Continue to Inspire Change

Several months ago, a group of three students in teacher Chantal Rancourt’s grade 5/6 class were inspired to make a difference in the world. All on their own, these grade 6 Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary students decided that they wanted to start fundraising for the Ryan’s Well Foundation, which helps buy and build wells in countries where there is little access to clean water. In December they launched their own school fundraiser with the goal of raising $2000 to contribute to this foundation. After their first initial event, the girls – Abigail Morgan, Sydney Hall and Alexa Connors, had raised over $210 from the one day. Since then, they have had an additional $300 raised through more donations. On April 18th, 2012, the students organized a “fun day” fundraiser to secure more funds for their cause. “They have basically made all of the arrangements and plans all on their own,” teacher Chantal Rancourt stated. “These girls are amazing – they have done all the set up, organized all the events, and planned all the teams and team captains. I am so proud of their enthusiasm with this initiative!” Immaculate students were asked to bring in a toonie to take part in the fun day which included an obstacle course and a variety of sports and speed games. At the end of the day, their total had climbed to over $1650 – very close to their goal of $2000. The girls have one more event planned – a zumba fundraiser. When asked to comment about their inspirational efforts, the girls replied in unison “Inspiration is the key to the future!” The girls explained that this was their motto and they had decided to be inspiring and to spark inspiration in others. Their efforts haven’t gone unnoticed as a person from their community, after reading the initial story on their fundraiser, was so inspired by their determination, offered to help them reach their goal and would top up the remaining funds after their events were completed. Abigail, Syndey and Alexa were thrilled that they had inspired a stranger to get involved. All three have decided that this is just the beginning, and will continue to make positive changes in the future.

Students at Immaculate Conception Reflect on Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday, the students, staff and parents at Immaculate Conception reflected on the night before the Passover, where Jesus took a towel, basin and water to wash the feet of all his disciples. As he washed his disciples’ feet, he said to them: “You, then, should wash one another’s feet. I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you”.
Fr. Michael and staff at Immaculate Conception followed in the foot steps of Jesus and washed the hands of all students. The basin, water, towels and the handwashing were visible signs of service to our students, our community and our God. Students understood what Jesus did for the disciples many years ago, and they too will carry on the work of Jesus, our Lord, and live a life of service.

Nickels for the North at Immaculate

During the month of October, the children at Immaculate Conception School have been busy collection “Nickels” and other change for the “Nickels for the North” for “Easter Seals Kids”, supporting children with physical disabilities and their families. We have been doing this for the past 4 years. Last year, we collected $700.00. Thank You Cougars!

A Journey Through Time at Immaculate

As part of their Catholic Education Week activities, students at Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School have been working tirelessly for the past few months to prepare for their Journey Through Time event on May 4, 2011. The school’s gym was filled to capacity with students, staff, parents and a variety of family members who wanted to experience a “journey through time” and visit various different eras in our history. The grade 3/4 class focused on pioneer times and First Nation culture, the grade 4 class focused on medieval times and the grade 5 class concentrated on ancient times. Each of the students had on display intricate models representing their time period. Along with the models, the students created other crafts and researched various games and activities that were representative of their era. Almost all of the students were dressed from head to toe in costumes from their time period, and they enthusiastically showcased for inquiring visitors the games and activities that were typical to the time they studied. “It is a real highlight of our year,” stated Tammy Rychlo, Grade 3/4 teacher at the school. “ We have done it for several years now and our Journey Through Time really embodies the spirit of Catholic Education week in showing our appreciation for our historical roots.”

Immaculate Students Chat Live with Olympic Athlete

Over the past year, Immaculate Conception teacher Tania Lacroix has given her students the amazing opportunity to be penpals with a true Canadian Olympian. The grade 1/2 class has been following the training and athletic performances of Kristina Groves, a Canadian long track speedskater who won both a silver and bronze medal at the 2010 Olympic Games. Approximately eight years ago, Lacroix had a friend that worked at the Calgary Training Centre and she asked if there were any athletes who would be willing to be penpals with her class. Groves volunteered and has been communicating with her classes ever since. Groves has connected with this year’s class since September through letters, and the hope was that she would be able to visit the class. During the Winter Olympics, Groves even held up a sign that had the name of the school on it for all of Canada to see. Due to scheduling conflicts, Groves was unable to come to Sudbury to visit the students but they came up with the next best thing. On Friday, June 10, the entire school gathered in the gym to take part in a a Skype call with Kristina in Calgary. The students were able to see and hear Kristina describe her races as a digital projector projected the video on the wall of the gym. Groves answered questions asked by the students in all of the different grades and even showed the group both her bronze and silver medals. It was evident that Groves was having as much fun with the call as the students in the gym as she commented on the great questions the kids were asking and smiled and laughed as the entire group clapped and screamed for her. Lacroix was happy that Groves was able to communicate one on one with the school and was pleased that they were able to finally connect live.

Order in the Court for Grade 5 Students at Immaculate

The grade 5 students at Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School had an exciting opportunity on May 2, 2010 to take part in a “Law Day”. As part of the Grade 5 curriculum, students are required to learn about citizenship and government so Immaculate teacher Chantal Rancourt felt that having her students visit the courthouse would make the material much more meaningful and interesting. Two lawyers – Lucille Shaw and Trevor Kestle from Miller Maki visited the school to explain the judicial process. To give the students an even richer experience, the lawyers extended the program even further and booked the Sudbury courthouse for their mock trial and even arranged for retired judge Justice Michel to preside over their case. “The students have been very enthusiastic about the whole process and were quite excited to take part in the mock trial.” said Rancourt. “The students got really involved in the whole unit and were really looking forward to acting as different members necessary during the trial.” The students filled all of the roles required including lawyers for the defence, lawyers for the prosecution, court reporter, bailiff, court sketch artist, jury etc. Christopher Balaz, one of the students involved felt it was a great opportunity for their class. “This is just awesome!” said Balaz. “It is a great experience and makes me consider going into law.” Several parents were also on hand to watch the mock trial take place and said that their kids were really eager to experience the court room with real lawyers and judges on hand.

Another SMART Opportunity at Immaculate

Some of our French Immersion students had the opportunity to learn some new things about our SMART Boards. On March 30th, Mr. Reg Fitchett, Shelby’s uncle (Gr. 5/6F) was in to do a one hour presentation. Mr. Fitchett showed the students many new features that now can be implemented into SMART Board lessons. Mme Larrivière (Gr. 3/4F) and Mme Rancourt (Gr. 5/6F) are looking forward to trying new things with their SMART Boards to increase student learning and achievement. The students expressed much excitement during the hands-on presentation. What another wonderful way to include our community partners at Immaculate, Home of the COUGARS!

Immaculate Conception Students and Staff Full of Olympic Spirit

The students and staff of Immaculate Conception showed up to school on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 dressed from head to toe in red and white and Olympic gear. The entire group was excited to show their Olympic spirit as they gathered together for a picture showcasing the school’s enthusiasm and love of the Olympics. The grade 1 / 2 class also took it one step further as they held their own “mini Olympics” including bobsledding, speedskating biathlon and curling. The class created their own bobsleds in groups with the help of some of the grade 6 students. Tania Lacroix, the grade
1 / 2 teacher explained her students’ involvement with the Olympics. “Our class has been penpals with Christina Groves, one of Canada’s speedskaters at the Oympics.” said Lacroix. “ She has been writing back and forth with the class and even has one of the school’s banners with her at the Olympics and showed it on T.V. last Thursday. This experience has definitely had a positive impact on my students.”
Lacroix’s class is also responsible every day for reporting on the Olympic results and upcoming events on the school’s morning announcements. As well, there is a big bulletin board outside the class that keeps track of all of the medals that have been won by Canada. “It really is a big deal for all of the students.” states Lacroix. “They are having a lot of fun with it and are really showing their tremendous Olympic spirit!”

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